We help you know who to trust.
Our background investigations provide you with a complete picture of management teams, fund managers, executive hires, business partners and vendors — allowing you to transact with confidence. Here’s how we help you make smart decisions.
Private Equity Deals
Our team of investigative experts knows how to find critical information about founders, executives, investors, and affiliates. We conduct a deep-dive review delving into the performance and qualifications of the management team. We confirm what has been represented to you and make sure there are no surprises. Sometimes we discover information that kills a deal — outlandish criminal behavior, regulatory sanctions, fraud — but more often we uncover intelligence that leads to an enhanced perspective or restructured deal terms.
Venture Capital Investments
Venture capital firms have slightly different needs than other alternative investment firms. We have designed a targeted due diligence scope that allows these prudent investors to get a meaningful snapshot of founders, executives and existing investors. Our research gives the highlights of a subject’s background with a quicker turnaround time.
Fund Manager Selection
Working with pension funds, fund of funds and family offices has allowed us to customize a due diligence process for fund manager selection that enhances operational due diligence. We highlight conflicts of interest, regulatory actions, misrepresentations, criminal or other activity that might impact the manager’s performance. This investigation is enhanced by a review of industry-specific trade journals, publications and regulatory sources to shed more light on the manager’s reputation. We also review feeder funds and other affiliated entities in international locations such as the Cayman Islands, Jersey and the Channel Islands.
Executive Hiring and Board Member Appointments
To protect your company’s reputation and preserve its corporate culture, it is important to have an understanding of the background, demeanor, and reputation of the candidate. Our investigations of C-Suite executives or board members provide you with a complete picture of your candidate. Whether through creative database research or interviews of references by our expert staff, our deep dive background investigations are FCRA compliant and produce a dossier that allows you to make informed decisions.
Pre-Engagement and Vendor Screening
Carefully evaluating new relationships is critical to protecting your company’s assets and reputation. We can identify threats and others risks associated with prospective clients, partners or vendors. The same expert methodology used in our executive background checks and private equity due diligence investigations is applied to these customizable assessments.
International Due Diligence
We conduct investigations worldwide. Having worked in over 80 countries, our global background investigations are spearheaded by our team of international public record specialists and leverage our exclusive best-in-class local partners who are former FBI, U.S. Marshals Service, CIA and other federal agents. The information they find is presented in the same clear, succinct and intelligent manner as our U.S. investigation reports. No translation necessary.
Mergers & Acquisitions and IPOs
Whether for a merger, acquisition or IPO, it is imperative to understand the reputation of the key players. Our investigative analysts collect data and analyze information to report on any potential red flags in real time. With the same innovative methodology as used in other background investigations, we demonstrate the risks and profile the players involved.

Business Intelligence
Our investigative expertise is valuable in many corporate situations: competitive intelligence, litigation support and counterparty research to name a few.